Friday, May 21, 2010


I'd officially graduated my Diploma. I kinda lost all my brain juice to think what am I gotta write for this post. Feeling nostalgic now for what I've done for this past 2 years. All the words below the picture is not the caption of it. I just wanna make this post interesting.

I can't even find a word to describe how I've felt for this. Happy, excited, scared ; all of them crumbled together.

Okay, started in 2 years back, who would ever thought that Group 4 for DEM was the best grouping ever? We are like the combination of everything ; lazy one, smart one, quiet, noisy, bla bla bla, it's like we got a little bit of everything.

I think this is the quality for this group to be of so much fun. We are not afraid to show our feelings. We do care for each other.

All the jokes bout the couple thing, all the imaginative jokes, all the laughter ; I cant stop thinking bout that now. All these memories playing like a movie in my mind now.

It's like we have known each other for so long, although we are not. We brought almost any subject or matter up to our chat. We could talked all day bout anything.

I guess that this is the stage where we are growing up and faces issues the most so far ; that's where we tend to help each other, our friendship grows too.

This 2 years time just moved too fast and it won't slow down. It came too soon.

We can't hang out in a huge gang anymore cause some of us gotta move on in different track now. There's hardly a chance we could.

This group will always be in my mind. Let's just hope for the best for everyone.

With love,


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