Saturday, May 29, 2010

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Friday, 28th May 2010.

Watched Prince of Persia: Sands of Time today. A pretty good one. Fulls of action, good dialogue although their effects could be more real. Anyway, awesome!

Went to Sungei Wang for shopping ; basically I only would shop in 6th Floor there. Come across some great finds in there. Got back the external hard disks ; like finally.

Yum cha session in Murni with the bunch at night then. Fun as usual. :)

On top of all the fun things happened today, I was quite saddened by a shocking news. Stay strong gal. We'll always by your side.


Friday, May 21, 2010


I'd officially graduated my Diploma. I kinda lost all my brain juice to think what am I gotta write for this post. Feeling nostalgic now for what I've done for this past 2 years. All the words below the picture is not the caption of it. I just wanna make this post interesting.

I can't even find a word to describe how I've felt for this. Happy, excited, scared ; all of them crumbled together.

Okay, started in 2 years back, who would ever thought that Group 4 for DEM was the best grouping ever? We are like the combination of everything ; lazy one, smart one, quiet, noisy, bla bla bla, it's like we got a little bit of everything.

I think this is the quality for this group to be of so much fun. We are not afraid to show our feelings. We do care for each other.

All the jokes bout the couple thing, all the imaginative jokes, all the laughter ; I cant stop thinking bout that now. All these memories playing like a movie in my mind now.

It's like we have known each other for so long, although we are not. We brought almost any subject or matter up to our chat. We could talked all day bout anything.

I guess that this is the stage where we are growing up and faces issues the most so far ; that's where we tend to help each other, our friendship grows too.

This 2 years time just moved too fast and it won't slow down. It came too soon.

We can't hang out in a huge gang anymore cause some of us gotta move on in different track now. There's hardly a chance we could.

This group will always be in my mind. Let's just hope for the best for everyone.

With love,


First Day on Advanced Diploma

Monday, 17th May 2010.

Woke early for class today. Yawnnnn. Had our 4 hours break time spent in Wangsa Walk. Headed back for lecture then. And yeah, we got into Group 2. Movie after that.

We watched A Nightmare on Elm Street, a remake of an old one. I never watch the original one before, so I thought this is already a pretty good one. I think this is all quite an entertaining material. Even when you're not sure what it's doing here, you can't help but enjoy it. We were all thrilled by all the shock scenes.

Dinner at Seri Rampai then. Had a long day spent with the classmates. Another week holidays. Yeah!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Holiday's Over

Sunday, 16th May 2010.

Thought of going to had my fringe cut today but the salon is under renovation. Okay, I didn't know that. So just ended up walking around the mall, had my lunch and got myself some clothes.

Gotta back to college life starting tomorrow. Holiday's over. Miss my Diploma days but can't help but wonder what's on could be in my Advanced Diploma days.


Mid Valley Haul

Saturday, 15th May 2010.

Did some quick shopping at Mid Valley today. Bought this strappy low wedges from Charles & Keith in other color. The loves; Zara and Mango too.


Tik Tok

Thursday, 13th May 2010.

Another great night with the bunch at Maison. Love the night with great companies.

I should not have ate any medicine before that. The nausea thing was like killing me till the afternoon. Guess that we won't be partying again very soon.

Ip Man 2

Sunday, 9th May 2010.

Went to Mid Valley to watch Ip Man 2 with the classmates. This movie is quite a good one.

Stuck in the parking for an hour to help my classmates to search their car. Lmao. Headed to Murni then. Tired and I was still kinda sick.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Jakarta Apr/May 2010

Friday, 30th April 2010- Friday, 7th May 2010.

Off to Jakarta and stayed there for a whole week. The whole journey was rather a boring one. Went to different sorts of shopping mall everyday. Some was indeed the shopping paradise. Other than that, there's nothing much any reason I would be excited to be there.

Baby Shannon is so cute.

Amazingly delicious!

Love love love. The shopping paradise.

Jakarta City.

Sunset view in Taman Impian(?) . Lovely.

What was interesting bout this safari is that you drive your own car inside. You got to like observe and photograph animals from a really close distance even for the tigers or bears. Quite a huge place. This is the only day for me in Jakarta that I did not hop into any shopping mall. Lol.

It was quite a boring trip after all. I misses KL; all the fancy lifestyle and all my loves one. I got really sick when I reached home. One more week to go for my Advanced Diploma classes to start. I'm graduating in Diploma very soon. Hope for the best.

Barbecue and Maison Night

Thursday, 29th April 2010.

Went to TBR to have a barbecue session with the classmates to celebrate that everyone had all their papers done. Stuck in the jam for so long that we were so late. Lol.

After that, we went to Maison. Had a great night; all the booze things and all the great companies. Lmao.

What a tiring day. Gotta head to Jakarta the next day. Not so happy about that. Anyway, love the night.

Resort World

Saturday, 24th April 2010.

Went to Resort World with my family and classmates today. After all the burning heat thing in KL, it was nice to go to place like this to chill.

Look at the temperature. Woah!

Freezing cold.

Had a long chatting session in Old Town. It was really cold that day. Went back our room in the early morning. I was having a hard time to sleep. Woke up few hours later and went to had our brunch in First World.

It was a fun journey. Hoping for the next trip very soon. They went back in the evening on Sunday and I continue to sleep in the room.

My dad woke me up at night. I thought that it was morning on Monday already and I slept for a day when he woke me. Lol. Went home after that. I don't have to overnight for another day after all. :)

Birthday Celebration 5

Celebrated Christine's birthday today. As usual, we had a karaoke session in Green Box. Not much picture we taken in there cause we were busy singing our lungs out.

Had dinner in Syabu One in Lot 10. What a great laugh we had over there. We took so much food that we were forced to finish up the foods. I had a fear on steamboat buffet now. Ewww.

We went to Maison after that. Bumped into some friends over there. This is my first time there since it had been renovated. Maison gained it's crowd back. The crowd is ermm, I don't know. I just felt it wasn't the same anymore.


It was so hot over there. We went home around 1 something cause we eventually can't take the heat and the crowd(?) thing.

Exam's Over!

I don't really remember the exact date for this.

Today is the last day for my Diploma days. We are having the last examination; I mean only some of us are having the last one =P. Surprisingly that I don't feel anxious or whatsoever to face this last paper.

Had a terrible painful stomachache during exam. Do not exactly know why.

After the paper ended, everyone was like so excited. We took like an hour to discuss where to had our dinner. And so, they decided on Yuen to had buffet steamboat. The jam is so urrggghhh.


The food is rather not-so-great but we were all having a great time there.

Much love,

Neway Night

Saturday, 27th March 2010.

Another birthday celebration on the next day after Opera night in Neway.

The bunch.

Happy birthday!

We sang for like 5 hours. Went home around 5am. Had a great night.